How can you stay physically active as you self-quarantine from Coronavirus?

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There is no doubt physical activity contributes immensely to both physical and mental health, with so many people confined to their homes as the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, the health governing bodies in different countries have stipulated guides on how people can keep fit and not stay docile throughout self-quarantine.

Some of the guides offered also takes account of some of the physical challenges of working from home, and offers extensive tips on how to integrate movement into your daily routine. But the question remains, is it possible to stay physically active while remaining indoors? You may have to visit to get other people’s perspective on topics of this nature.

WHO recommendation on how to stay active during COVID-19 self-quarantine

Because people are held in their homes, they tend to focus purchasing all-inclusive telecom deals to keep them online and fiddling with their phones but this can be a dangerous practice as it keeps one idle but with the following recommendations from WHO keeping fit is now a lot easier.

They suggest different exercise routines for people locked up in their homes as they assert that it requires no special equipment. They insist that people should move around and not lie in a spot all day. 

WHO recommends about 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensive physical activity per week for adults, or a combination of both. This guide is for people who are in self-quarantine without any symptoms or diagnosis of acute respiratory illness as they suggest it doesn’t replace medical guidance in cases of any health condition.

Ways to stay physically active during quarantine

For those confined to working from home, pacing while on phone calls or using a standing desk to complete assignments and other work on the computer is great as it helps them work and stretch their posture muscles to prevent contractions.

Getting a pair of dumbbells in this season doesn’t hurt a bit as one can be working out while also doing other activities.

This is also a medical advice, taking movement breaks throughout the day, people often forget to do this because they aren’t used to taking movement breaks during work hours but one can set an alarm on their phone or workstation to remind them of periodic movement breaks they may need to have.

What should comprise such movement breaks include simple stretches, push-ups or sit-ups, taking a walk around the neighborhood while still keeping with social distancing measures. This is also known to increase one’s productivity at work, this walk schedule does substitute for your daily commute to work and back.

The pandemic has dealt a great deal with our previous mode of communication and people have got to adjust. If you have children taking active breaks to workout, move around and playing can also help you stay physically and also mentally active.

Providing alternatives to staying physically active is important since lots of gyms and fitness companies have shut due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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